Clery Act Disclosure Security Policy | Southwest Miami Adult Education Center

Clery Act Disclosure Security Policy

Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Section 485(f) of the HEA, Title 34 C.F.R 668) is a federal statute requiring Title IV Schools to comply with the following:

  • Collect classify, maintain and count crime reports and crime statistics.
  • Issue timely warnings and emergency notifications to students and employees.
  • Publish an annual security report with both statistics and policy statements, to include compliance with the Violence Against Women Act.
  • Submit annual crime statistics to the U.S. Department of Education.
  • Institutions with campus police or security departments must maintain a daily crime log.
  • School crime statistics will be provided by the Miami-Dade Schools Police (MDSP).
  • All HEA Title IV eligible schools must have their crime statistics posted on the schools’ websites and make these reports available to students, employees and the community.

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